“If you follow your heart, if you listen to your gut, and if you extend your hand to help another, not for any agenda, but for the sake of humanity, you are going to find the truth.”
- Erin Brockovich
In the movie, Erin Brockovich, the viewers saw a young woman, who was struggling in life, take down a successful corrupt company. Due to the convincing acting and setting, inspiring message, and accuracy of the movie, we give the film a 4 out of 5 stars.
This movie deserves 4 stars because of its convincing acting. Julia Roberts, who portrayed Erin Brockovich in the film, mastered her role and kept the audiences attention. Even Brockovich herself said, "I thought her performance was fantastic," in regards to Julia. Julia put her acting skills to use and successfully depicted Brockovich as an attractive struggling single mother with emotion and wit. Julia's compassion and determination were evident throughout the story as she fought for the rights of the Hinkley residents. Albert Finney, who played Ed Masry, also had a good performance. He represented Masry as a realistic attorney, who knew that in order for the Hinkley case to be a success, an expert should be brought in to help them win the case.
We give this movie...
Erin Brockovich, had an inspiring message of never give up no matter how difficult your challenge may be. Brockovich was a struggling single mom, who eventually got a job working for Ed Masry’s law firm. As soon as she noticed something was wrong about PG&E, she never stopped dedicating her work to the case. Even though she had no legal expertise, she was determined to win this case for the Hinkley residents. And that’s exactly what she did.
This movie was true to its time period with its costumes and scenery. This event happened in mid-1990 in Hinkley, California. The dress portrayed the way people looked in the 1990’s. Furthermore, the setting was also appropriate for the 90’s. The houses and cars were nothing grand, which is fitting for the middle class that was portrayed during this time period.
This film was also highly rated because of its accuracy. It is true that PG&E was polluting Hinkley’s water with toxic hexavalent chromium. It is also accurate that Erin had a very large role in taking down PG&E. Additionally, this film had very little inaccuracies. These few discrepancies were minor and didn’t have much of an effect on the movie’s plot. One minor inaccuracy in the movie was when Erin said she was Miss Wichita, but she was actually Miss Pacific Coast. Details like these had no effect on the story.