Hollywood vs. History

The movie, Erin Brockovich, was very accurate in comparison to the real life event. Brockovich herself even said, "The movie was true and probably 98% accurate".
In the movie, Erin was able to tell you anything at any time about all of the 634 Hinkley residents affected by PG&E Company. In real life, Erin actually did memorize all of the cases. However, the movie leaves out the detail that she was dyslexic and this is why she memorized all the plaintiffs and their cases. Also, in the movie Erin says how she is going to use her cleavage to manipulate the employee at the water board facility to get the files she needs for her research. Although this did happen in real life, she did not intentionally use her cleavage to get what she wanted. Yet another true fact in the movie was when Erin said, "We had that water brought in special for you folks," to the defense attorney. She actually said this in real life in a court of law, but in the movie it was said in an office meeting room. This quote had more of an effect in the court room because there were more witnesses to see that even the company wouldn’t drink their own water.
Brockovich stated “They took very, very few liberties. One of the liberties was, I was not Miss Wichita, I was actually Miss Pacific Coast, right here in California. Steven Soderbergh thought it would be cute since I was from Kansas to throw that in there." Another difference is that in the movie everyone was pleased with the results of the case. However, in the actual case, not everybody was satisfied with the outcome. Many felt that the amount of money they were awarded was not sufficient; they felt they were entitled to much more for all of their pain and suffering. An additional difference is found in the beginning of the movie when Ed Masry is the lawyer representing Erin for her car accident, but in reality it was his law partner, Vititoe, who was her lawyer. Also in the movie, Ed and Erin lose the hearing for her car accident. Meanwhile in real life, they won a small settlement.